Monday, May 23, 2011

I'm sorry I missed your stupid conference call, I was having an exorcism

Ok so its all about sickness and coupons over here, 24/7.  Today I was supposed to go to Raleigh but had to cancel because felt like dogshit again when I woke up. I went to a conference all this am and announced to everyone on it like 90 times that I was sick. For you psych 101 not takers this is called displacement: I am mad that I even HAVE TO BE ON THIS CONFERENCE CALL so I take it out on them by telling them of my sickness 90 times. Anyway I HAD to take a nap after that I just couldn't function. While I was sleeping I dreamt of burning things; all kinds of things that were held up for burning in my minds eye. I don't remember what they were but lets come up with a fantasy list shall we:
1. Parking tickets
2. Kid Camp paperwork
3. Kobe Bryant
4. Animal haters
5. Every people magazine with a teen preggo on the cover

I may have to add to this later :)

I woke up 3 hours later having missed:
1) 3 conference calls
2) 57 emails and
3) 17 notices about new coupons or free stuff

But I feel much better, fever seems to be gone, sore throat is MUCH better and I think I'm back in business! 

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