Saturday, November 26, 2011

Dilapidated gingerbread igloo

this isWhy do I do this to myself? Gingerbread mixes are $6!! I swear to god (BRUCE) that I followed the directions.  I mean King Arthur flour is THE source.  I mean is there anything I can't F up?
I spent at least $15 and 4 hours on this travesty: my arm muscles are actually SORE. I even MEASURED the thickness of the walls and THIS IS THE RESULT. This reminds me of my breadmaking experiments; $100 at Bread and Circus for some nice chewy pumpernickel until my friend Jane said "Do you know you can buy bread for $2?  I think I need a consultant to come watch me bake to see what I am doing wrong.  Or perhaps its that I am the only home sapien in the suburbs without a Kitchenaid mixer?  I can only imagine what the final product will look like.  Perhaps my time is best spent at work after all.


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