Sunday, April 10, 2011

Yarn balls

I never know what to do for a centerpiece; I always have a big ugly bowl in the middle of the table and on my list of things to do is to go buy something cool to put in it. Fake lemons are expensive. I bought real ones once and filled up the bowl but no one ever even came over to see it and they started rotting within a week. UGH. So when I saw this craft I figured it would be a good way to keep Megan entertained and give me something to decorate the house with for easter. I bought all kind of spring colored yarn and a thing of glue and some 5 inch balloons. When I went to the craft store and party store for balloons they only had 12 inch and I needed 5 inch. Typically me finding a craft that seems simple and making it complicated. I ended up asking the clerk at the party store and they had some.

1. Blow the balloons up only about half way. The ones in the picture are from blowing them up all the way and they came out way to big. Although they do look like easter eggs which is sort of appropriate.

Step 1a (optional) have the kids rub the balloons on their hair and stick them to anything and everything. This worked for about an hour of entertainment for the kids.   

Sam does not seem to enjoy this game

2. Put some elmers glue in a tupperware container and mix with water.
3. Take the yarn off the skein (I know you're impressed i know that word) and wrap around your hand, wrapping maybe 20-25 times. I didn't wrap enough yarn and you can see my ball isn't quite covered enough in yarn.
4. Cut the yard and drop it in the glue making sure all the yarn is covered in glue. Be careful not to mix it around too much or you will get the yarn all tangled.
5. Wrap the yarn all over the balloon in a criss cross pattern
6. Once your yarn runs out dip the whole ball in the glue.
7. Let it dry ont he counter or a paper plate. I put pam on the counter so the glue wouldn't stick to it
8. Let it dry 24 hours then pop the balloon and pull it out through the hole

Megan and I did this with a friend and I didnt' take any pictures along the way but I am going to do more this weekend and will update. Megan loved this whole thing start to finish. And i didn't make enough to fill the bowl so this is to be continued...

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