Remember that disgusting buff puff from the 80's? The one that had all the bacteria in it and you thought you were doing yourself good my scrapping the shit out of your skin? Well this is the modern version but its AWESOME. I was not blessed with small pores. You could store stuff in my pores. Ps I don't get why large pores get clogged easier; this is counterintuitive. But anyway, I digress.
This stuff is like Drano for the pores. Smells a little funky but works awesome.
This has 30 spf and vitamin c. Awesome.
This stuff is the best. not cheap but i swear to god I bought a bottle of this like 2 years ago and it still works. Its so wierd!
I feel so lucky to have been born in a generation that invented a magic potion to cure acne AND wrinkles in one bottle. On the other hand; what a cruel twist of fate to be 40 something and still dealing with acne. In any case, if you have a breakout, put a little of this on it and it will be GONE. Love this stuff and it will last you forever.
When you are living in the tundra and your skin looks like this
you need this. I know its pricey but soo worth it.
40 something and still dealing with acne? Try 59 (I mean 50 something)and still having hot flashes that started when I was 41. Bet you can't wait. But the good thing is that when you are 59, you don't have to buy any of this stuff because it won't work on flabby, stretched skin. Just saying.