When the first kid gets sick you have this confidence; you think to yourself "what with my new pack of lysol wipes and obsessive handwashing, this will be the end of it!". Off to the Dr. you go, $30 and 4 hours later, you're back from CVS and its smooth and quiet video game playing from there for the sicko; (the whining usually goes down a couple hours after the CVS visit).
Order is restored and then the next one goes down. I swear the school nurse has me on speed-dial. You know she's calling because she's one of only a few people who call my home phone (which I ignore while I'm working), then my work number, then my cell. Its as if she's saying yup its me, come and get 'em - you can't hide! Back to the Dr and to CVS - KA-CHING! $30. Oh and I always forget to call the after school program that my kids are going to be out. $5 penalty KA-CHING!
This time I got strep from my daughter and let me tell you if that's how the kids experienced it I can't believe they weren't more high maintenance. I would have rather been in labor than what I had this weekend; sweaty, achey, moaning and groaning - AWFUL. Come to think of it, it was JUST like labor, JK. And given my recent obsessive frugality it killed me to send my husband to the store for NyQuil without coupons but I was too sick to google them. The whole time I was sick I kept thinking I DON'T HAVE TIME FOR THIS SHIT! I'm supposed to be at a baseball game, going to the market, taking kids to a party, going to Raleigh for work, etc. This is the worst part of all of it I think; that feeling that you should be doing a thousand other things. I can't friggen believe I have to send yet another email to my boss going something like this;
- I have to be out because my son is sick
- Sorry about the crying on the conference call, I am home with a sick kid
- Sorry I can't attend that meeting because its at the same time as my daughters' ear specialist appt which i've been waiting for since before she was born
HIS wife stays at home so what does he know about all this. But yet she probably doesn't have the freedom to spend $53.50 on a Bliss oxygen face mask bottle even if it DOES LAST A REALLY LONG TIME AND IS AWESOME. You see, its never perfect. I've worked for women and men and it still kills me to deal with this balance. I think the fact that I want it perfect is my problem.
So coming full circle to what made me write this and crack up about it was that I went to put my daughter to bed tonight and she said "mumma could you please not kiss me goodnight, I don't want to get your germs". I thought to myself you little SHIT. I caught this from you because you wanted snuggles 90 times while sick.
Next time the first one gets sick I'm going to cut to the chase: we're all going to spit in a cup, mix it up and do shots. It will be quicker that way.
P.S. Did you know NyQuil comes in pill form? Yet another things I could have used in college is invented way too late.
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