Monday, December 13, 2010

Menu planner

Between going on a diet and prepping for the holidays i have 90 lists around the house; all with similar things on them, some on stickeys some in office, pocketbook, and on the floor of my car. I go through cookbooks, write down all these random ingredients and then sit in front of the fridge listlessly every night at 6 thinking "WHAT THE HELL AM I GOING TO MAKE FOR DINNER?", or "WHY DID I BUY COCONUT MILK AGAIN?". I'm one of those people who buys all kinds of food with the best intentions of making something then I forget what it was and end up throwing food away. When I get mad at myself for this I start to google the random food I have to see how to make it edible. Typical google would be "chipotle chilis in adobe sauce+casserole+easy+kid+cilantro. A little bit like Chopped only I have no friggen idea what I am doing in the kitchen and would just as soon eat peanut butter toast anyway. IN ANY CASE, I need a better way to plan out the week; so I created my own menu plan/grocery shopping list. I am attaching for your organizing pleasure. i am confident that this will solve all my problems :)


1 comment:

  1. um, you are the most organized list person I have ever met. That list is impressive.
    I plan my meals each week too, and try to stick to the gets easier with time, and I try not to make too many new recipes in one week because that is when I forget ingredients, etc.
    going to print out your list and use it next week, thanks!



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