Friday, December 3, 2010

$100 bill saga part 2

For those of you who read my post about my daughter and her mysterious acquisition of a $100 bill, it gets better. She asked me to buy her something this morning and I told her I didn't have any money. She said "yes you do, you have the change from the $100 bill I gave you the other day". What a little shit! 

1 comment:

  1. my mom and I had a good laugh about the $100 bill incident.
    Did you ever figure out where she got it?

    You can melt chocolate in the microwave - just do 30 second intervals (stop and stir after each one) to prevent it from burning -or- you can use a metal (or glass) bowl over a pan of water (fill pan with a very small amount of water, turn on low heat, and put the bowl in the pan - but make sure the pan isn't touching the water below it). Then put your chocolate in the pan and wait patiently for it to melt.
    Make sense? You do not need to buy a double boiler, the bowl/pan thing works great.



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