Training has not gone very well this week; between feeling weak after putting the dog down and a rowdy weekend in Raleigh I skipped my long run last week and have been paying for it this week - barely able to complete my normal 3 mile loop. I beat myself up about these things and decided that the pain of running 11 miles was less bad than the pain of torturing myself about it. The actual running part isn't the hardest for me - its my brain telling me to quit or that I can do it another day.
But today I had to end all that. The theme of the day was: "I can't do this but I'm doing it anyway". Now that I have committed to running Boston it's a lot of motivation with so many people having generously signed up for the cause. I don't want to let them or myself down - so I do it.
I'm nervous still about the holidays and vacation plans but trying to take it one week at a time. If you can help, please donate whatever amount you are comfortable with here.
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