Halloween preparations start early around here and this year I've reached a new record of August. Im not overwhelmed enough with figuring out what to do with kids every week, prepping for both kids birthdays, 2 work projects in the shithole, obsessive couponing and learning to wear makeup at 44: I must prepare for halloween and do a detox diet also. My new years resolution is going to be complacency. In any case: Megan's birthday was Friday and the boys were at the red sox game; I tried to convince her to go to the mall so I could get a Sephora fix but she wanted to go home and CRAFT. The girl never stops; the more we do the more she hounds me. By this time we had already made 4 batches of brownies and a birthday cake for Matthew; have I mentioned that I CANNOT WAIT FOR SCHOOL TO START?
Supplies you will need:
Masking tape
Toilet paper or paper towel rolls
Glue gun and glue
Battery operated candle lights
Black acrylic paint
Little tiny rocks
Tape the rock to the bottom of the paper towel holder; Megan did this by putting a rock on the masking tape, sticky side up and then putting the paper towel roll over it and sealing tape on the sides. Put a few more pieces of tape on it to hold in place. The rock helps the candle from falling over.

On the top side of the paper towel holder, put the candle on the top of a piece of masking tape, sticky side down and insert it into the top of the tube. Do this a few times until the candle has a steady base to sit on.
Take the candle out and heat up your glue gun (what you don't have a glue gun?) , dripping glue all the way down the side of the tube. Repeat this process until the tube is covered. This is not a job for the kiddos but Megan had fun watching. Actually as I recall she said "is this supposed to be fun?". She's just like her mother, she likes to start things, not finish them.
Keep going until it looks like this.
Once this part is done and dried you can paint. I am painting mine black.